Dec 14, 2018
A Scar Where The Heart Should Have Been
I got a tattoo on my recent trip to New Mexico. It was to commemorate the trip, but also to remind me of the years I lived there when I...

May 27, 2018
Poetry and Marriage: Two Things I Thought I Loathed
I’ve lived my life with the preconceived notion that marriage is merciless and malevolent, but it turns out I may have been wrong. I...

Nov 19, 2017
Jolabokaflod: A New Christmas Tradition
In Iceland, a tradition exists in which books are given as gifts on Christmas Eve and everyone spends the evening reading. Since I...

Sep 4, 2017
Why I Miss Date Due Cards
In this age of computerized library managements systems, gone are the little paper pockets containing date due cards and I miss them....

May 21, 2017
Saying Goodbye to Chris Cornell
2016 was a particularly difficult year in the celebrity death department. 2017 isn’t looking much better. I was bummed when many of these...

May 20, 2017
Gray Skies Glorified
A short story that I wrote some years ago as a tribute to Seattle music. Today I'm revisiting it as a tribute to Chris Cornell.

Apr 30, 2017
Independent Bookstore Day, 2017
I planned on participating in #SEABookstoreDay for Independent Bookstore Day by going to the three north-of-Seattle bookstores that I...

Apr 1, 2017
A Story, Thirteen Years in the Making
UPDATE 6/23/2024—If you’re interested in reading the short story I reference in this post, you can now purchase a perfect-bound print...

Feb 25, 2017
The Goldfinch Sings
The Goldfinch was on my to-read list for a long time, but I never picked up the book when I came across it because the cover didn’t do...

Apr 26, 2016
Super Sad True Book Story
I’m a book lover. I love books. I love collecting books—the real ones that you can display on a shelf and hold in your hands. I love...